Friday 6th December - Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne

Saturday 7th December - Centennial Park, Sydney

Sunday 8th December - Brisbane Showgrounds, Brisbane



Good Things Festival (GTF) in Melbourne & Brisbane is a licensed event recommended for a mature audience 15+, 

Sydney for the first time this year is open to patrons under 18, however it is different to Melbourne & Brisbane and only open to patrons aged 16+.

All young people aged under 18 (15+ in Melb & Bris, 16+ in Sydney) are required to be accompanied by a responsible adult and each person attending must have their own valid ticket. During the purchase process anyone buying an under 18 ticket will be required to also purchase an over 18 ticket and provide information on the adult you will be attending with. Each Responsible adult will be able to have 2 youth attend with them. This information will be printed onto a wristband and posted to you prior to the event.

Unfortunately we are not able to welcome anyone under the age of 15 to the event

The event has the capacity to be very loud, have high intensity crowd movements, bands that may use profanities in their performance and patrons drinking alcohol. Children under 15 will not be admitted as GTF cannot guarantee the health and safety of small children.

In the event that you are assessed at entry as being under 15 years, you will be required to provide validation that you are actually over the age of 15. If you are found at the event without your guardian and your wristband on, you and your guardian may be ejected from the event for breach of safety.


We understand that some people have a need for a full time carer or companion. GTF will allow a valid ticket holder one free entry ticket for their legitimate carer.

Please purchase your required ticket and then e-mail with your current carer or companion card information, or written proof of your status as a Carer and we will issue you one free ticket.


You must have a current Photo ID to enter. All patrons must have a ticket and it is an offense to enter the venue without a ticket.

Photo ID is required to purchase alcohol regardless of your age. It is illegal to provide minors with alcohol and anyone caught doing so may be prosecuted and ejected.

Some of the artists appearing at Good Things may use lyrics, language or gestures whilst entertaining that some people may find offensive. If such language or behavior concerns you, please do not attend. If you believe such language or behavior is unsuitable for minors, please do not allow them to attend.

Remember to bring ID, your ticket, important phone numbers, sun block, any medication you may need, a hat and charged mobile phone. If you have any chronic conditions or illness (ie asthma, diabetes, epilepsy) be sure to carry information regarding your condition & emergency contact number on you at all times. If you require prescription medication during the festival, please ensure you carry a copy of your prescription, keep the medication in its prescribed packaging, and only bring in the amount you require during your time at Good Things Festival

Allow enough time to get to & into the show. It can take some time to get through the gates & security checks depending on the time of day so please be patient.

Make sure you dress in accordance with the weather forecast,  wear sensible shoes & clothes.  

We have been told to expect the constabulary and canine associates to make one of their customary festival appearances. You may be sniffed at inside and outside the show and even at car parks or public transport hubs. Possession and/or consumption of illegal substances will not be allowed.

Any patron found to be unduly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs on arrival or within the venue will be referred to police or security as the case may be.

A small bag (No more than A4 Size) or backpack is allowed but remember that it will take longer to get into the show & if you want to cloak it in, it will add more queues to your day.

Check the ticket conditions for restricted items conditions such as Video cameras, alcohol & umbrellas. No spike collars, studded belts etc will be allowed.

Make sure you pace yourself, drink plenty of water, eat some food that will give you some energy & be sure to get rest, when you can, to maximize your enjoyment on the day.

You are permitted to bring 1 empty water bottle and a reasonable amount of food like sandwiches to the show. However, please do remember that we’re most likely in for a long day and food can spoil. There will be free water stations located within the event site to re-fill your empty bottles once inside.


Whether it’s entering, leaving or in the festival you will be required to abide by any reasonable request or command from event security. Remember that they are primarily there to keep the entire festival safe. If you need help or see someone needing help please notify security straight away. Crowd surfing, moshing & circle dancing are dangerous activities & will not be tolerated. Offenders will either be banned from the area or possibly removed from the site. 

GTF will not accept violence in any form and any incidence of violence will result in immediate removal from the site.


Under extreme & unlikely circumstances a building, area or the entire site may be required to be evacuated or cleared. It will be imperative for you to follow all instructions & directions from emergency services, police, fire brigade & / or the security that would be requested of you in such a situation. Remember these people are only there to help, so please pay attention.


There will be First Aid located at or next to the Stages to treat people who are genuinely ill or have injured themselves on the day. Try to minimize your demands on them if it does not relate to real issues as they have a very long and demanding day. More than 50% of all First Aid Calls are related to cut feet and sunburn – please wear shoes and bring sunblock.


No professional photography equipment is permitted however point and click cameras and mobile phones are fine. No recording devices of any kind will be permitted


There will be free water stations located around the site. Please ask security or consult the site map.


Full transport and parking information will be posted soon.


GTF will be an accessible friendly event as much as we can possibly make it. There will be accessible viewing areas where possible at each stage area. Disabled toilets are available around the site. We suggest that you are accompanied by a friend as with all major events navigating through the crowds can be difficult and we recommend that you stay clear of the mosh pits. As long as you plan your day and leave a bit of extra time to move between stages there is absolutely no reason why you should not have a great day and be able to see the bands you love. For further information, please see our accessible FAQ page


We understand that some people have a need for a full time carer. GTF will allow a valid ticket holder one free entry ticket for their legitimate carer. Please e-mail with your Carer and current Carers Card or written proof of your Carer status as a Carer and we will issue you one free ticket.


GTF believes we are all equal. There will be no discounted tickets for pensioners or members of the venue association etc.


Good Things will once again be running a band competition to allow 3 lucky bands the opportunity to perform at the festival, one in each state. There will be a series of heats and a final where bands will be selected to perform a showcase in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

Stay tuned for the information on the 2024 Good Things band competition at the beginning of September.


If you are interested in applying for a Food or Market stall, please email: 

Melbourne / Sydney

Vendor system -

Contact email -


Contact Email:

Market Stalls:


If your business or brand is interested in becoming part of Good Things Festival, please email



Good Things Festival is presented by There is a Free Lunch Pty Ltd (“Us, Our, We, the Presenter”). By purchasing this ticket you acknowledge and agree;

  1. All conditions shown on this ticket are to be read together with all other statements or directives either shown on this ticket or displayed on our website or at the premises.
  2. It is a condition of the liquor licence that only valid ticket holders are allowed to enter the event and you may be prosecuted if you enter or attempt to enter without a valid ticket.
  3. Good Things Festival (GTF) is a licensed event recommended for a mature audience 15+ in Melbourne & Brisbane, and 16+ in Sydney. 
  4. It is a condition of entry that all young people aged between 15 and 17 (under-18) who enter the event are required to be accompanied by a responsible adult who will undertake to know the location or whereabouts of their minor at all times during the event. Each person attending must have their own valid ticket. During the purchase process anyone buying an under-18 ticket will be required to also purchase at least one over-18 ticket and provide information on the adult that you will be attending with. This information will be printed onto a wristband and given to you upon entry to the event.
  5. Unfortunately we are not able to welcome anyone under the age of 15 (16 in Sydney) to the event.
  6. The event has the capacity to be very loud, have high intensity crowd movements, bands that may use profanities in their performance and patrons drinking alcohol. 
  7. In the event that you are assessed at entry as being under 15 years (16 in Sydney), you will be required to provide validation that you are actually over the required age. If you are found at the event without your guardian and your wristband on, you and your guardian may be ejected from the event for breach of safety.
  8. Photo ID is required to purchase alcohol regardless of your age. It is illegal to provide minors with alcohol and anyone caught doing so may be prosecuted and ejected.
  9. All venues have wheelchair access and disabled amenities, please visit the event website for details.
  10. Intoxicated patrons or patrons under the influence of drugs may not be admitted. It is very likely that drug detection dogs and plain-clothes drug squad detectives will be at the event.
  11. Anything that could cause harm is a prohibited item and will not be permitted entry to the venue. This includes but is not limited to bottles, cans, glass, liquids other than lotions (empty water bottles that are not glass are permitted), professional A/V equipment (excluding mobile phones), drones, culturally insensitive items & attire, anything studded, promotional materials, weapons or dangerous items, lasers, fireworks, airhorns/megaphones, umbrellas, furniture, equipment, skate and surf boards, flags, poles, pets or animals, eskys/coolers, illicit drugs and alcohol. All bags and containers are subject to a full search at entry to ensure the safety of patrons. Prohibited items that are confiscated will not be returned.
  12. You may bring an empty water bottle for refilling during the day. Please drink water regularly. 
  13. Please wear shoes, it’s safer and you’ll thank us for suggesting it.
  14. No recording device of any kind is allowed except a hand held digital camera or phone with a non-removable lens. Professional cameras of any kind are not allowed on site without authority from the Presenter.
  15. It is a condition of sale that you agree that the Presenter reserves the right to refuse a ticket holder admission to the event or to evict that person from the event for any reason whatsoever at the presenters absolute discretion.
  16. Entry is at your own risk.
  17. Your tickets should be treated as cash. Except as required by law, tickets will not be replaced nor money refunded after purchase. The Presenter does not offer refunds in the event of lost, stolen or damaged tickets or where the ticket holder cannot attend the event due to reasons beyond the Presenters control.
  18. In the event of a lost ticket, contact us prior to the event. Your receipt or print out of the terms and conditions are not tickets and not valid for entry to the event.
  19. Tickets may not, without the prior consent of the Presenter, be resold or offered for resale at a premium over the face value of the ticket (including via on-line auction sites) or used for advertising, promoting or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods or services either by the original purchaser or any subsequent ticket holder. If a ticket is sold or used in breach of this condition, the Presenter reserves the right to cancel the ticket without a refund. This ticket is only valid when purchased from official agents.
  20. Tickets bought from Non-official websites or other sources may be refused entry.
  21. There is a sale limit of 8 tickets per person to any of the events. 
  22. If the event is cancelled by the Presenter for any reason, only the face value of the ticket will be refunded. If the Presenter deems it necessary to abandon the event due to the forces of nature or any other reason, refund of the face value of the ticket is at the discretion of the Presenter.
  23. Crowd surfing, moshing, slam or circle dancing are all dangerous activities that can seriously injure other patrons and will not be tolerated.
  24. Except in circumstances beyond our control, we play rain or shine.
  25. Please note there are restricted capacities at some stages and other tented structures. Once the maximum capacity is reached in these areas there will be no further admissions. Your purchase of an event ticket does not guarantee admission to these areas in such cases.
  26. In some states smoking in a public place is not permitted. It can be an offence to smoke in a public place and you risk being fined. If your State has this law we will provide a designated outdoor smoking area and we require you to use them.
  27. Except as provided by law, the Presenter and the owner and/or lessee of the venue shall not be held liable for any loss, injury or damages sustained entering or within the venue whether caused by the negligence of the Presenter or that owner or lessee or otherwise.
  28. Ticket holders consent to filming and sound recording as members of the audience.
  29. No pass outs will be issued unless otherwise advised.
  30. In the case of an emergency evacuation or situation, please follow all official directives from police security or event organisers.
  31. If you feel at any time that you or anyone else’s health or safety is threatened, you should contact the nearest security guard. There are First Aid Officers on site at all times who can be contacted by security staff.
  32. The words Good Things Festival and the Good Things logo and artwork are copyrighted (trademark pending) and cannot be used without the prior written consent of the Presenter.